Yes, downloading and uploading files on vSUPLOAD is free.

Yes, there are paid subscriptions in vSUPLOAD, and we have used the "Expert" subscription as an example of the important features of the subscription;

  • 200.00 GB Storage Space
  • 10 GB File Size
  • Upload 50 files at once!
  • No ads
  • Password protected files (Active)

Yes, with our "Free Membership" and "Starter" plans your uploads are deleted in 60 days if no one didn't download your uploads.

Note : ( Files with declared copyright will be deleted within 1 week at the latest when reported to us ).

Except for a few extensions that we consider risky, you can now upload many extensions without any problems. Enjoy file uploading with vSUPLOAD!

You can report it with the Report File option in the area marked in red on the file download page or you can contact us from the Contact Form.

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